Green Turtle
(Chelonia mydas)
(Chelonia mydas)
(Chelonia mydas)
Green turtles have an average length of 1 metre and can weigh up to 230 kg. They are migratory and can be found in all tropical and sub-tropical seas such as the Indian, Atlantic, Caribbean and Pacific Oceans. Green turtles are caught and killed to make ‘’turtle soup’’ which is a delicacy in many parts of the world. Their English name refers to the colour of the fat found under their shells, which is used to make the soup. Young green turtles are mainly carnivorous. The adults however are herbivorous, feeding only on marine vegetation such as sea grass and marine algae. Green turtles are considered as ‘’Endangered’’ species today.
Leatherback Turtle
(Dermochelys coriacea)
(Dermochelys coriacea)
(Dermochelys coriacea)
The Leatherback turtle is the largest of all the marine turtles. They can grow more than 2 metres in length and usually weigh about 600 kg. The largest Leatherback ever found weighed 918 kg! They have a predominant dorsal black colour with variable degrees of white or paler spotting. Spots may be pinkish on the neck. Leatherback feed exclusively on jellyfish and will travel long distances in search of their prey. They have been seen feeding on jellyfish in the waters of Arctic Circle, Leatherback can survive in the extreme cold because, unlike other turtles, they can regulate their own body temperature because layers of fatty tissue insulate their bodies. The English name ‘’Leatherback’’ refers to their unique carapace. Leatherback turtles can dive to depths of 1500 metres in search of deep-sea jellyfish. At these depths the Leatherback’s body is subjected to tremendous water pressure, but its flexible shell does not break and so the turtle can feed safely. Today, Leatherback turtles are considered as ‘’Critically Endangered’’
Hawksbill Turtle
(Eretmochelys imbricata)
(Eretmochelys imbricata)
(Eretmochelys imbricata)
Hawksbills are also relatively small turtles; adults commonly weigh about 60 kg and measure up to 90cm. They inhabit tropical coastal waters around coral reefs and mostly carnivorous. They prey on a large variety of animals including jellyfish, sponges and crustaceans. The Hawksbill turtle gets its English name from its narrow birdlike beak, which it uses to catch animals hiding in small crevices. Hawksbill turtles sometimes eat toxic sponges. Instead of being poisoned, Hawksbills can actually store the toxins in their own flesh. If a human eats the flesh of a Hawksbill turtle he can die from acute food poisoning. The Hawksbill turtle is now highly endangered because for centuries, people around the world have killed them for their shell. Once cleaned and polished, the shell is crafted into ‘’tortoiseshell’’ ornaments. Today, Hawksbill turtles are considered as ‘’Critically Endangered’’
Name of the Turtle | Discription | Location | image |
Box Turtles |
Hikkaduwa | |
Chicken Turtles |
Rekawa Beach | |
Nicaraguan Slider |
Pigeon Island | |
From feeding turtles to releasing hatchlings back into the ocean, now you know where to see turtles in Sri Lanka. I hope you will enjoy your turtle watching experience in Sri Lanka to the fullest following the guidance in this article. Feel free to drop a message or leave a comment if you have any unanswered questions. I am more than happy to answer any questions that you might have. If you enjoyed this article, be sure to read some more. Perhaps our article, "wildlife in Sri Lanka" next? Happy Travels! |